
Niki’s Notes July 27, 2023

By |07/27/2023|

Hi, It’s not you. It’s very challenging to be a human right now, even harder to be a consciously good one, and harder still to lead others with compassion when you are on overload. With that as our backdrop, ...

Niki’s Notes July 20, 2023

By |07/20/2023|

Hi, This week’s issue alights on the topics of culture and location and how they affect our world of work. But first, how are you doing? Are you keeping your focus forward? I was away last week, enjoying time ...

Niki’s Notes July 6, 2023

By |07/06/2023|

Hi, “Be obsessed or be average.” --Grant Cardone Someone posted that quote on Instagram, and I liked it so much I wanted to check if it was really a Grant Cardone quote; turns out it’s the title of one of ...

Niki’s Notes June 29, 2023

By |06/29/2023|

Hi, Busy week, not complaining. And for those of you following my valiant efforts to take time off, you’ll be happy to know that my daughter and I had a blast in Stone Harbor, NJ last weekend. The many high ...

Niki’s Notes June 22, 2023

By |06/22/2023|

Hi, Feeling good about getting things done in a short week that started with Juneteenth and wraps up with my first-ever get away with my daughter since she started working full-time many moons ago. We’re doing a long weekend at ...

Niki’s Notes June 15, 2023

By |06/15/2023|

Hi, Thursday again? That was fast! I had so much fun this past weekend and am all set for more of the same for the weekend coming up. Plus, this next one is a long one as we celebrate ...