
Niki’s Notes December 7, 2023

By |12/07/2023|

Let’s never lose our enthusiasm for “our job!” Have you been taking good care of yourself? I hope so, because as a leader of people, you need to be at your best for you and for them. I trust you’re ...

Niki’s Notes November 30, 2023

By |11/30/2023|

Hi, Did you miss me? While I enjoyed the hiatus that came along with Thanksgiving celebrations, I missed connecting with you through Niki’s Notes. I’m back again this week with new thoughts and ideas to help keep you recharged ...

Overcoming & Preventing Burnout

By |11/27/2023|

Between demanding bosses, long hours, and heavy workloads, it is no surprise so many individuals feel stressed and overwhelmed by their jobs. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), almost 3 in 5 employees reported lack of interest, motivation, ...

Niki’s Notes November 16, 2023

By |11/16/2023|

Hi, Whatcha’ doing for Thanksgiving? I’m hosting this year after a Covid-induced hiatus from hosting last year. I’m all geared up and have added mini beef wellingtons to the appetizer menu. I keep talking about the Wellingtons who will ...

Niki’s Notes November 9, 2023

By |11/09/2023|

How are you doing? … … Did you think that was a rhetorical question? I’m actually asking. I know we’re not conversing right now, so in truth I won’t know your answer in real time, but would you please ...

Niki’s Notes November 2, 2023

By |11/02/2023|

Hi, I was in Astoria, Queens last Saturday with family and ate outside at Hamido’s, a seafood restaurant (highly recommended). The day was gorgeous and the street in front of the restaurant was blocked off for Halloween festivities, so ...