ethical business

Do Good Spotlight Roundup 2023

By |12/08/2023|

Through our weekly What’s Hot Wednesday newsletters, we’ve had the opportunity to donate to so many powerful causes. If you’re looking for more ways to “do good” in your life, check out these 41 upstanding causes… 💖 The ASPCA ...

Niki’s Notes December 7, 2023

By |12/07/2023|

Let’s never lose our enthusiasm for “our job!” Have you been taking good care of yourself? I hope so, because as a leader of people, you need to be at your best for you and for them. I trust you’re ...

Niki’s Notes November 30, 2023

By |11/30/2023|

Hi, Did you miss me? While I enjoyed the hiatus that came along with Thanksgiving celebrations, I missed connecting with you through Niki’s Notes. I’m back again this week with new thoughts and ideas to help keep you recharged ...

Overcoming & Preventing Burnout

By |11/27/2023|

Between demanding bosses, long hours, and heavy workloads, it is no surprise so many individuals feel stressed and overwhelmed by their jobs. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), almost 3 in 5 employees reported lack of interest, motivation, ...

Niki’s Notes November 16, 2023

By |11/16/2023|

Hi, Whatcha’ doing for Thanksgiving? I’m hosting this year after a Covid-induced hiatus from hosting last year. I’m all geared up and have added mini beef wellingtons to the appetizer menu. I keep talking about the Wellingtons who will ...

Niki’s Notes November 9, 2023

By |11/09/2023|

How are you doing? … … Did you think that was a rhetorical question? I’m actually asking. I know we’re not conversing right now, so in truth I won’t know your answer in real time, but would you please ...