business communication

Niki’s Notes May 25, 2023

By |05/25/2023|

Hi! I just love that quote. And I took it to heart this weekend by investing time in learning how to use ChatGPT. More on that later. There’s so much else to share ...

Niki’s Notes May 18, 2023

By |05/18/2023|

Hi! Did you have a good weekend, and are you looking forward to the next one? Hope both answers are affirmative. To keep your 360°-self humming along, here are a few pieces that created new thoughts for me and I ...

Niki’s Notes May 4, 2023

By |05/04/2023|

Hi! How’s May treating you? I know, I know, we’re just getting started, but I’m liking it so far, how about you? This week there’s lots of fuel for your business brain, and I hope it’s of benefit to ...

Niki’s Notes April 27, 2023

By |04/27/2023|

Hi, I’ve long had a special place in my heart for Thursdays. When I was in elementary school, for several years in a row, gym was on Thursdays. I loved the chaos of physical activity in the middle of the ...

Niki’s Notes April 20, 2023

By |04/20/2023|

How’s It Going? I had such a great weekend last weekend, it felt like the old days, seeing friends in person, catching up, laughing together. I’m looking forward to more of the same this coming weekend, with a Thursday night ...

Niki’s Notes April 13, 2023

By |04/13/2023|

Hi, Are you enjoying the glorious weather? Those of us in the northeast are really getting treated to warm spring days and cool evenings. I’m finally able to get out on my (electric-assist) bike after hip pain/hip replacement surgery last ...