Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces2024-05-07T17:57:06+00:00

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes September 22, 2022

Hi, Hope you’ve got some good plans for the weekend—it’s officially autumn! But right now, it’s still workin’ time, so here are a few stories that made me think of ...


Niki’s Notes September 15, 2022

Hi, I hope you’re ready for all the spice autumn has in store for us. No theme this week, just an eclectic collection of stories I found interesting from ...


Niki’s Notes September 1, 2022

Hi, Rabbit rabbit! First thing to say on the first of the month—I’ve heard it brings good luck…. It’s that time of the week again. Do you tend to ...


Niki’s Notes August 25, 2022

Hi, So, it’s really truly almost the end of August. I know many of our southern readers have kiddos back to school already. Here in the Princeton, NJ area, ...


Niki’s Notes August 18, 2022

Hi, I hope you liked the first issue of the newly named Niki’s Notes last week. I received good feedback from a few readers and I appreciated their notes. This ...


Niki’s Notes August 11, 2022

Hi, Update: this e-briefing was originally a component of our Owlthena service, which is being sunsetted, along with its website and social properties. Thank you to everyone who tried this ...


Niki’s Notes June 22, 2022

Hi, Happy Summer Solstice as of 5:31 a.m. ET yesterday. I have mixed emotions about this every year. I just about get use to there still being light in ...


Niki’s Notes June 8, 2022

Hi, I hope you had a good weekend and are already planning for the next one. The items I’m sharing are all about supporting yourself and your team members ...


Niki’s Notes June 1, 2022

I hope you were able to enjoy the long weekend and accomplish everything you wanted to do. I have a very varied list of suggestions for you this week, so ...


Niki’s Notes May 25, 2022

It feels like a while since the last What’s Hot Wednesday for Business Leaders. I know why—I actually, finally took all the advice we publish about the importance of taking ...


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