Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces2024-05-07T17:57:06+00:00

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes November 16, 2023

Hi, Whatcha’ doing for Thanksgiving? I’m hosting this year after a Covid-induced hiatus from hosting last year. I’m all geared up and have added mini beef wellingtons to the ...


Niki’s Notes November 9, 2023

How are you doing? … … Did you think that was a rhetorical question? I’m actually asking. I know we’re not conversing right now, so in truth I won’t ...


Niki’s Notes November 2, 2023

Hi, I was in Astoria, Queens last Saturday with family and ate outside at Hamido’s, a seafood restaurant (highly recommended). The day was gorgeous and the street in front ...


Niki’s Notes October 26, 2023

Hi, This year seems to be a mixed bag for businesses–I’d love to hear how it’s been for you. My company hit our targets and then some, including retaining ...


Niki’s Notes October 19, 2023

Hi,   How are you doing? It’s rough right now, right? It is. It is. I know leading with compassion can be challenging when you’re feeling drained. Let’s work ...


Niki’s Notes October 12, 2023

Hi, Do you find it hard to calibrate when there are numerous gut-wrenching events taking place? I do. I know when I share positive news to help you stay focused ...


Niki’s Notes October 5, 2023

Hi, I don’t know where the time is going, it seems like we were just “sliding into autumn” with our Labor Day celebrations and now here we are firmly ...


Niki’s Notes September 28, 2023

Hi, Someone shared a clip with me recently, and it was an excellent reminder-- perfectly timed--for thoughts I’ve been having about manifesting, how it works, and for me, lately, ...


Niki’s Notes September 21, 2023

1 minute of humanity You’re welcome. 😊 Hi, I hope you’re vibing higher as we like to say around here – attracting the good that comes with staying at ...


Niki’s Notes September 14, 2023

Hi, I’ve been sharing time with family, friends, and complete strangers a lot lately, with all the emotions that go with them: we lost a young family member to cancer ...


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