Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces2024-05-07T17:57:06+00:00

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes November 17, 2021

What’s your Thanksgiving looking like this year? Our guest list is still in flux so we will probably have too much, but that just means everyone takes home the leftovers—problem ...


Niki’s Notes October 27, 2021

I was in a virtual networking event last week, and one of the ice breaker questions was, “What was your favorite Halloween costume?” For me, it was a toss up ...


Niki’s Notes October 20, 2021

This week’s theme is cool stuff going on around us. I hope it sparks your imagination like it did mine and that you find ways to apply those sparks to ...


Niki’s Notes October 13, 2021

Here are a few articles that caught my attention to share with you as a way to take a break from your business-day action: Ha! We weren’t ready to start ...


Niki’s Notes September 29, 2021

Hi, The leaves are changing, and the smell of pumpkin spice is everywhere. Even if it’s not your favorite season, enjoy walks in the crisp air, pull up your chair ...


Niki’s Notes September 15, 2021

Before we dive into news for your business leader self, here’s a healthy distraction for you. Leaf changing forecasts for the US via an interactive map. Breathe in. Breathe out… Now, ...


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