Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces2024-05-07T17:57:06+00:00

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Niki’s Notes May 4, 2022

Tra la, it’s May, the lovely month of May (channeling the Camelot soundtrack…) As a business leader, I know how challenging it can be to read beyond the mainstream headlines ...


Niki’s Notes April 20, 2022

I hope you’re enjoying April and the promise of warmer weather. Here are a few items that I want to share to help fuel your business leader engine: Virtual Reality ...


Niki’s Notes March 30, 2022

Hi, March is keeping us guessing with 40-degree temp swings and snow tantrums, but spring is making progress and we’ll be outdoors regularly in no time. Here are stories that ...


Niki’s Notes March 23, 2022

Here are a few of the stories that have my business-owner brain sparking, so I’m sharing in case they help you too: Are you familiar with the IBM Institute for ...


Niki’s Notes February 23, 2022

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes and I wanted to share that we’ve been revamping the Owlthena Executive Listening Service as a value-added service for the clients of ...


Niki’s Notes February 2, 2022

Someone had made a joke that 2022 looks a lot like 2021 and I thought, well, here we are again at Ground Hog Day. I hope you’re finding ways to ...


Niki’s Notes January 26, 2022

Good for you for navigating everything going on in our world and bringing your best self to your work. Here are a few stories that caught my attention this week ...


Niki’s Notes January 12, 2022

I hope 2022 is being good to you and that you’re gaining traction on your goals as the new year kicks in. Here are a few stories I want to ...


Niki’s Notes December 15, 2021

It’s a busy time of year, I hope you’re managing through it all with flying colors! Let’s jump right into this week’s What’s Hot Wednesday for Business Leaders with stories that caught ...


Niki’s Notes December 8, 2021

How are things going? As the end of 2021 approaches, I’m grateful for my support network that helps me as I’m navigating the uncharted waters of running a business and ...


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