DBE Perspectives2023-04-07T14:29:44+00:00

DBE Perspectives

Is Snapchat Right for Your Brand?

Marketers are hearing a lot about Snapchat and naturally they want to find out if itā€™s right for their brands. Nadine Goerke, Manager of Search and Social Programs here at ...


The Battle of Snapchat vs. Instagram

By: Nadine Goerke and Rachel Petzinger With the recent addition of Instagram Stories, a new component of Instagram that directly mirrors Snapchat Stories, the two platforms are in competition now ...


Visualizing Your Brand: 5 Doā€™s of Instagram

Itā€™s no secret that Instagram has experienced a huge boom in the social media space in the last few years. According to a recentĀ Pew Research Center study,Ā 28% of internet users ...


Social Media in the News Industry

By Jillian Johnson Is social media becoming your primary source of news? For me, it already has. The Paris bombing. Princeā€™s passing. Finding out who the presidential nominees are. A ...


The Importance of Integrated Marketing

By Maggie Landis Digital marketing initiatives are so measurable that companies often ask that we show how each channel will prove its own ROI. While establishing metrics and goals for ...


šŸ“° Veronica Fielding in Chief Executive Magazine

ā€œMy mother always said, ā€˜It doesnā€™t matter what other people think,ā€™ā€ DBE CEO & President, Veronica ā€œNikiā€ Fielding, shares in Chief Executive Magazine. ā€œBut that didnā€™t quite ring true for ...


The Right-Hand Rails Are Goneā€¦And?

What Happened? Thereā€™s been a lot of buzz in the digital marketing world about the projected impact of the right-hand rail ads on Google going away. As the dust settles, ...


Importance of SEO in Pharma

By: Jeffrey D. Erb Advisor, Digital Brand Expressions This month we released a white paper on the need for SEO within Life Sciences companies, a topic that I find extremely ...


Facebook: Love at First Site

Facebook is the first social platform of choice for most individuals and brands. Yes, it has grown up; is flooded by long-lost relatives who post strange comments on your pictures. ...


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