DBE Perspectives2023-04-07T14:29:44+00:00

DBE Perspectives

New Google Analytics 4 Announced on October 14th

Google Analytics 4 is the latest significant iteration of the product and will eventually replace Google’s current version of Universal Analytics.  No need to make a wholesale change yet. GA4 ...


Google Ads Lead Form

Background Google is always exploring how to provide the best experience possible while helping advertisers increase conversions. Recently Google has been focusing a lot of attention on mobile because 40%+ ...


🔊 Veronica Fielding on the Prove It! Podcast

DBE's CEO, Niki Fielding, answered Debbie Albert's questions about using Google AdWords (now called Google Ads) to build businesses of all sizes and ended with a short story about ...


It’s Not Rocket Science Until It Is…

We here at DBE have a problem with the below chart from eMarketer. It’s probably because we have this same problem when talking with potential clients about the complexities of ...


Lose the Media-Buy Mindset to Succeed with Paid Search

By Veronica “Niki” Fielding Originally published in the March 2018 issue of “Postings” the member newsletter of the Direct Marketing Club of New York City While Facebook generates $40 billion ...


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