Perceptive Marketer

Grammar = Credibility, Google in Australia, & Teen Marketing?

By |01/27/2021|

I hope you have your digital marketing cap on because we have some great stories to share with you this week from the DBE team: It’s not too late to start “Rethinking your strategic planning for 2021.” This article recommends ...

The Display Network, Yelp Health & Safety, & Wiki-Birthday

By |01/20/2021|

I’m not sure we have a theme with this week’s What’s Hot Wednesday for Digital Marketers, but we sure have an impressive array of stories from our team to share with you! And please read through to the Do Good ...

Social Platform Copycats, Brand Inclusivity, & the Metric/KPI Debate

By |01/13/2021|

The DBE team has lots of great info to share with our digital marketing colleagues, so let’s dive right in with this week’s shares: Did you see this Wall Street Journal story on the cost of returned items? Interesting points to consider, ...

2020 Digital Marketing Wrap-Up

By |12/23/2020|

Well, we made it this far! 2020, I will not miss you but there were a number of things we celebrated here at DBE despite the gruesome backdrop of a year gone haywire… The team and I are grateful for ...