Perceptive Marketer

Good Writing, Natural Language Processing, & Smart Bidding Strategies

By |04/28/2021|

I hope your week is going smoothly. We’ve got a few stories to feed your inner digital marketer–let’s jump right in: Writing high quality content that converts is no easy task. In this article, Frank Hamilton outlines an effective process to help ...

Digital Ad Share, Social Media Usage, & Clubhouse Conversions

By |04/14/2021|

Almost half-way through April, how are you doing? I hope things are going smoothly for you personally and professionally. Here’s info from the world of digital marketers—like us—that caught the DBE team’s attention over the last few days that they ...

Voice Shopping, Social Media Image Sizing, & Micro-Moments

By |03/31/2021|

Short week for a lot of folks…. We’ve got smart posts to keep your digital marketing neurons firing, and our Do Good Spotlight this week is a double feature. One light shines on The National Center for Missing and Exploited ...

The Floc is Coming, Data Story-Telling, & Navigating Goodness

By |03/24/2021|

What’s going on in the wonderful world of digital marketing? A lot, as always! Happy Spring, and here are the news stories we wanted to share this week: FLoC is coming! Here’s what you need to know, well laid out by ...