Perceptive Marketer

Google Analytics 4, SEO Strategies, & Puppy Pandemonium

By |03/23/2022|

Long issue because we didn’t publish last week (blame it on St. Patrick’s Day ?). So here we go: Our DBE team members will be reaching out to our clients to talk about moving to GA4. This will be important because ...

Think with Google, New Ad Types, & Digital Summits

By |03/09/2022|

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, so perhaps this e-briefing can be a means to refocusing your attention on your digital marketing passion and using it to do good for yourself and others. And speaking of ...

SEO’s Worth, the Scoop on Facebook, & Bullet Points in Ads?

By |02/16/2022|

Is anyone else feeling like the year is racing by? It’s already mid-February! Here’s this week’s What’s Hot Wednesday for your digital marketing mind: The Super Bowl is over but we thought you might be interested in how monday.​com and ...

LinkedIn Connections, Radical Transparency, & AI in Search

By |02/09/2022|

Well, the Ground Hog saw his shadow and next up is Valentine’s Day. Oh, wait, there’s the other holiday this Sunday: The Super Bowl. So many activities to keep us busy in February. Here are a few stories to keep ...

Interns Running the Show, KPIs, & Phishing for Your Info

By |02/02/2022|

Happy Groundhog Day! There’s a lot of déjà vu going on these days, hopefully you’ve got some good things to look forward to as the month moves ahead! Here are the stories the DBE team wanted to make sure I ...