Niki’s Notes

Niki’s Notes 08 24 23

By |08/24/2023|

Hi, First, I’d like to thank the people taking the time to complement this weekly refueling station for people leading teams with strength and compassion. We collectively strive daily against a multitude of forces to find answers for revamping ...

Niki’s Notes August 17, 2023

By |08/17/2023|

Hi, As we ready ourselves for pumpkin spice everything, let’s first enjoy the last weeks of summer activities before we pivot to adoring the autumn leaves and that refreshing morning chill. And always, regardless of the season, we focus on ...

Niki’s Notes August 3, 2023

By |08/03/2023|

How’s It Going? Last week was a crazy one! I kept marveling at how I wasn’t reacting to the shifts going on all around me, especially on Wednesday, when we had roofers doing repair work starting at 7 a.m., ...

Niki’s Notes July 27, 2023

By |07/27/2023|

Hi, It’s not you. It’s very challenging to be a human right now, even harder to be a consciously good one, and harder still to lead others with compassion when you are on overload. With that as our backdrop, ...

Niki’s Notes July 20, 2023

By |07/20/2023|

Hi, This week’s issue alights on the topics of culture and location and how they affect our world of work. But first, how are you doing? Are you keeping your focus forward? I was away last week, enjoying time ...

Niki’s Notes July 6, 2023

By |07/06/2023|

Hi, “Be obsessed or be average.” --Grant Cardone Someone posted that quote on Instagram, and I liked it so much I wanted to check if it was really a Grant Cardone quote; turns out it’s the title of one of ...