Niki’s Notes

Niki’s Notes March 30, 2023

By |03/30/2023|

Hi, How’s your week going so far? I have daffodil envy. Apparently something happened to the ones that were planted by the previous owner, they got increasingly sparse over the last 3 springs and now, no daffodils. It’s good to ...

Niki’s Notes March 23, 2023

By |03/23/2023|

Well, Hi There! I’m back–took my first two-week vacation EVER, and it was truly relaxing. My husband and I went on a southern Caribbean cruise. I would like to publicly thank the core team at DBE for making it ...

Niki’s Notes March 2, 2023

By |03/02/2023|

Hi, How’s March treating you? So far so good here in Princeton… Each week I try to surface stories that inspire, inform, and/or spark new thinking among executives looking to lead with confident kindness. This week, I kept coming ...

Niki’s Notes February 24, 2023

By |02/24/2023|

Hi, March is just around the corner and so is spring. I hope you’ve got great plans for the weekend. Depending on when you’re reading this, it’s 5:00 somewhere, so grab the beverage of your choice and enjoy these ...

Niki’s Notes February 16, 2023

By |02/16/2023|

Hi, We made it past the Groundhog, the Super Bowl, and Cupid’s fun. So much to celebrate in February. Next up, SPRING! Here are the stories I want to share with you this week: What are the 4 “highly ...

Niki’s Notes February 9, 2023

By |02/09/2023|

Hi, How’s your February going? Mine’s kinda awesome. Celebrated another birthday (whew, made it!) and am excited about launching the Philadelphia chapter of The Connective. I’m going to be sending information to the business development executives and other leaders in ...