Natalie Lorenzo

CX & SEO, AI’s Languages, & Marketing Bops

By |08/23/2023|

Hey y’all! I’m so excited to share with you all that’s going on in digital marketing. So get ready. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. GO! There’s enough confusion about what Google factors in its natural search algorithm to produce ...

SEO vs. SAIO, ChatGPT Features, & Google Updates

By |08/16/2023|

Hey there! I’m sure you missed your favorite digital marketing newsletter last week! Don’t fret, we’re back with all the juicy stories you’ve been waiting for. Commence the digital marketing nerd-out! ChatGPT’s got sick new features, including prompt examples ...

Twitter (X) Competitors Infographic

By |08/04/2023|

In the week of July 24th, Twitter rebranded to “X” almost overnight. The volatility of the platform since last October has left many dedicated Twitter users confused about the fate of the platform. Announcements from Elon Musk, current Executive ...