Natalie Lorenzo

AI & Authenticity, AI & SEO, and AI & B2B

By |01/10/2024|

Happy New Year! 🥳 Stumbled upon this beautiful quote from Alua Arthur. I hope we can take at least some of this heartfelt message with us each day. We are worthy. We are messy. We are beautiful…. Let’s embrace ...

Google’s Gemini, AI Ethical Concerns, & Puppies!

By |12/13/2023|

Howdy, Howdy! Have you ever noticed how many hats we wear day-to-day? Sibling. Partner. Friend. Coworker. Volunteer. Parent. Athlete. Musician. They all could be full-time roles if we allowed them. First, give yourself a pat on the back for ...

Do Good Spotlight Roundup 2023

By |12/08/2023|

Through our weekly What’s Hot Wednesday newsletters, we’ve had the opportunity to donate to so many powerful causes. If you’re looking for more ways to “do good” in your life, check out these 41 upstanding causes… 💖 The ASPCA ...