
From Brand Authority to EEAT to SEO to SAIO

By |01/23/2024|

Have you heard about Moz’s Brand Authority metric? It was announced last fall at its Mozcon event and it has now been incorporated into its Pro platform as part of its new “Domain Overview” summary section. The section also ...

The Yin and Yang of SEO and SAIO (or is it SAIO and SEO?)

By |12/12/2023|

When we launched DBE’s Search Artificial Intelligence Optimization (SAIO) strategy for generating link citations in answers to questions asked of conversational search AI chatbots like Bing Copilot and Google SGE, we showed this iceberg image to help distinguish the ...

SAIO and YouTube: Another Click In The (EEAT) Wall

By |11/16/2023|

If you’ve been following DBE’s blogs and videos on Search Artificial Intelligence Optimization (SAIO), you can skip the short story section below like you would when binging episodes of your current favorite series. You can jump ahead to the ...

SAIO and EEAT: The LinkedIn Connection

By |10/27/2023|

Updated: 3/20/24As part of our ongoing “human” learning process on conversational AI searches, we’ve been talking with the chatbots themselves about their “machine learning” processes. Today we’re sharing a recent Q&A session with Google’s Gemini (formerly Bard) that started with ...

A SAIO (Rhymes with Day-oh) and SEO Strategy Success Story

By |08/24/2023|

Last week, DBE launched our new SAIO (search artificial intelligence optimization) strategy for gaining link citations from conversational chatbots like Bing Chat and Google SGE.  The launch elements we used included: A blog post written in a conversational Q&A ...