🧠 I’ve Been Thinking…

…about how to get more “deep sleep.” There’s lots of information about getting “better” sleep and I’m doing all of it, but I still cannot get more than 30 minutes or so of deep sleep each night. According to my Oura, it should be at least 90 minutes per night. Any info out there to help me get more of this restorative level of sleep?

🚀 Information & Resources to Help You Drive Change

Here are my shares for this week:

SPECIAL NOTE: If you hit a paywall on any of the stories I share, go to Google Search, enter the name of the publication and something about the story (author, title, subject) to get a natural search link that usually by-passes the pay wall.

  • Consider: “A 2024 Gallup survey indicates that the percentage of employees who strongly agree that their organization cares about their overall well-being has plunged from 49% in 2020 to 21% in 2024, while a previous survey found that improving well-being and culture rated much higher than increasing compensation among the things “quiet quitters” would like to change about their work.” This article from Harvard Business Reviews talks about what employees really need and what companies need to avoid.
  • Going “gray rock” isn’t a go-to strategy for all tough situations, but when you have someone in your sphere who just wants to argue for the drama of it, this does work wonders for your peace of mind.
  • I’ve talked about the loneliness epidemic and how it affects young people. Here’s some good news and an idea that could work for more of us than just the Gen Z’s reading today.
  • I was going to share this video because I thought it made the point about management leading with support rather than leading with force…but then I read the comments, and frankly, I’m sharing this for another reason now. Why is it some people feel the need to turn any post whatsoever into an argument. Some of the comments are relevant, e.g., there is one from someone who said they don’t like being touched, and another from someone who said he uses the “walk and talk” technique, but there were so many other comments that were either irrelevant or missed the point (purposefully?). It’s a serious question, because I post a lot of curated content, and sometimes the post makes a point I want to share but I hesitate when I scan the comments. Thoughts?
  • How is your company exploring gen AI? Here’s a tip sheet—well, much more than a tip sheet—on mitigating risks as you and your colleagues wade into the AI waters. Via Ă–ykĂĽ Isik, Amit Joshi, and Lazaros Goutas for Harvard Business Review.

🦉 You Never Know…

Families with children and adults with disabilities struggle in ways few of the rest of us can understand. (Thanks, Mark Brugger, for the share.) This story spotlights New Jersey families but it applies to much of the rest of the country too. And it leads right into why this week’s Do Good Spotlight is shining on Home Sweet Hudson.

🌟 Do Good Spotlight: Home Sweet Hudson and Their Comedy Night Fund Raiser

Navigating the transition for special needs children reaching the age of 21 can feel like “falling off a cliff.” This critical period, when individuals are no longer eligible for IDEA (federal) services and must depend on State vocational rehabilitation and Medicaid waivers, is often challenging and confusing. The team at Home Sweet Hudson provides inclusive aid to families with special needs children during this transition. They assist with accessing unknown services, mentoring, direct community engagement, legislative advocacy, and consolidating resources for parents and caregivers in Hudson County, NJ.

Of special note to my readers in northern NJ, there’s a comedy show fund raiser on Thursday, June 20 in Hoboken. It starts at 7:00 p.m. and features 5 comedians. Sure to be a fun time. Shout out to the founder of Home Sweet Hudson, David Tornabene, I love how you found a community in need and built an organization to support it!

đź–‹ Noteworthy: B Lab

I talk a lot about B Corporations or B Corps, and I forget that not everyone is familiar with the term or the company behind it. Essentially, a B Corporation is a company that has gone through a rigorous certification process to demonstrate it is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials. The organization behind this certification process and the movement that drives it is B Lab. You can learn more about B Lab, the benefits of its work, and the B Corps certification process here.

🎵 On a Personal Note

What kind of friend are you? (I’m a firefly).

⏳Until Next Time…

Enjoy your time with family and friends this weekend–life is fleeting, and those connections are everything. And Happy Father’s Day to everyone celebrating!


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Published On: 06/13/2024 / Categories: Niki's Notes / Tags: , , /

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