
We have an extra day! What are you doing with yours? My team and I are getting together for lunch and that will lead to all kinds of interesting conversations, I’m sure. I hope you invest yours in activities that bring good results your way.

Speaking of investing time wisely, how about joining my Monday Morning Intention Pod? It’s a simple concept to help use the power of community to get your week off to a good start. We join via Zoom (camera off if you want), I welcome everyone and share a thought or two, and then we privately set our own intentions to bring compassion, empathy, and confidence into our workplace. Attendees can share thoughts too, but it’s not a requirement. Then, off we go. Email me to learn more and get the link to the meeting.

And in the meantime, here are a few stories to help you make better, more informed decisions as you and your team co-create the workplace of the future:

  • If the CEO’s job is getting tougher, what skills are in demand for their employees? FastCompany weighs in via this detailed yet short read by Lydia Dishman. Hint: we’ve talked about them here before; this is a super duper net/net.

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 🌟

Pennsylvania has over 700,000 veterans, the fourth largest population in the U.S. DMVA connects veterans to programs and services available to them. Some of these services/programs include grants, benefits, special initiatives, and more. Learn more: DMVA.

Noteworthy 🖋
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

We’re spotlighting MIT for releasing a slew of free courses you won’t want to miss. Thanks to @ForGoodCode on Instagram for this and so many other smart shares. If you’re not following him, consider changing that.

I hope you make the most of February 29 and enjoy!


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Published On: 02/29/2024 / Categories: Niki's Notes / Tags: , , /

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